Self-Assessment Essay

Reflecting on Writing Development and Evolution 

Throughout this course, I have immersed myself deeply in the learning objectives, significantly advancing my proficiency in various aspects of writing while refining my understanding of its purpose and impact. Starting from the initial assignments such as crafting a resume and cover letter, progressing through the analytical rigor of the rhetorical analysis, delving into the structured exploration of the literature review, and culminating in the collaborative research project, each task has contributed uniquely to my growth. This essay endeavors to assess the extent to which I have met the course’s learning objectives and to reflect on the transformation of my perspective on writing.  

Achievement of Course Learning Objectives 

One of the primary objectives of this course was to enhance strategies for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment. I approached this objective by meticulously incorporating resources from diverse linguistic backgrounds into my writing projects. This approach, evident in my literature review assignment, involved compiling peer-reviewed articles that fortified the credibility of my arguments. By being intentional with my subject choice and specific in selecting evidence, I ensured a robust foundation of logos, which significantly elevated the quality of my writing. 

In addition to refining my research and evidence-selection skills, I focused on understanding audience expectations related to genre conventions, medium, and rhetorical context. This was exemplified in my rhetorical analysis paper on an advertisement, where I analyzed the ethos, pathos, and logos to deepen my understanding of rhetorical situations. This analysis not only strengthened my ability to craft persuasive arguments but also broadened my appreciation for the nuanced ways in which writing can influence and persuade. 

Moreover, engaging in collaborative writing processes underscored the significance of every decision in writing development. Collaborating with a partner on the literature review project highlighted the necessity of clarity and specificity in topic selection. Initially considering a broad topic on nutrition, our collaborative effort led us to subdivide it into more manageable subtopics, enhancing the coherence and depth of our analysis. 

Evolution of Perceptions on Writing 

Exploring various facets of writing has underscored the idea that writing is an ever-evolving skill. This course has equipped me with a deeper understanding of refining different writing strategies. Among the most impactful skills and strategies I’ve learned this semester are the renowned rhetorical appeals: logos, ethos, and pathos. These principles are indispensable in crafting persuasive essays, setting a strong foundation for effective communication.

My perceptions of what writing is and does have evolved significantly over the course, particularly through genre analysis and multimodal composing exercises. For instance, conducting a detailed rhetorical analysis of an advertisement required me to not only dissect its textual elements but also consider its visual and persuasive strategies. This exercise in multimodal composing, where I utilized Canva to create a book aimed at young teenagers based on a literature review, highlighted the importance of integrating visual elements to enhance narrative effectiveness. 

Furthermore, my proficiency in sourcing information through online databases such as JSTOR and Gale has grown. Initially challenged by the task of finding suitable topics, I leveraged these resources to locate credible sources that supported my arguments effectively. This skill, honed since freshman year and refined through writing essays for the sciences, has become integral to my approach to academic research and writing. 

In conclusion, this summer course has been pivotal in refining my writing skills and broadening my understanding of its multifaceted nature. From mastering the art of rhetorical analysis to collaborating effectively in writing projects, each assignment has contributed to my growth as a writer. Moving forward, I am confident that the strategies and insights gained will continue to inform my approach to writing, ensuring that I can communicate ideas persuasively and effectively across various contexts.